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The Educated Investor: A Guide to Retirement Planning Podcast

This Podcast will cover current events as well as ideas to help retirees or soon to be retirees possibly maximize their Social Security benefits, manage your taxes, and overall become a more educated investor.

Click Here to view the SECURE Act 2.0 Outline to follow along with this episode.


MEET OUR HOST: Jerry S. Blakely, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®

Jerry is a retired CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, holding the Series 6, 7, 24, 63 and 66 securities registrations (6, 7 and 24 are held with LPL Financial). He also holds a Bachelor’s and Master of Arts Degree from California State University, Northridge. He has been assisting people with their retirement planning needs for over 30 years.

Jerry has had a career-long passion for educating families who are about to retire or are already retired and providing recommendations which may help them to preserve their wealth so they never run out of money, while providing strategies that may still grow their wealth and avoid taxes where possible.

Jerry loved to share his knowledge and e xperience with others during his career by also teaching “Retirement Planning Today®” courses at the local community college. Now that Jerry has retired from being a Financial Advisor, he decided to partner with Householder Group to launch a podcast on retirement strategies to continue his passion for teaching. Jerry finds it very important that people understand the many nuances of building and retaining wealth as they begin the retirement phase of life


Listen to ALL Educated Investor Podcast Episodes:

The opinions voiced in this show (program; podcast) are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which strategies or investments may be suitable for you, consult the appropriate qualified professional prior to making a decision.